Saturday, December 24, 2011

L a s t........m i n u t e.......painting

We tried some last minute shopping too ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, along with everyone else!

                                             "Mr. Snowman II"  6" x 6"  acrylic

Mr. Snowman and I have something in common.  We need to melt off a few pounds.  He's been enjoying the Christmas season.  Too much eggnog, too much candy, too much rich foods and definitely not enough exercise! 




Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Paintings from 2010 through 2011 continued....

With Christmas being right around the corner, it sure is hard to keep up with everything!

"In the Garden"  14" x 14" acrylic on canvas

There is a nursery in Gainesville that I am quite fond of, and they didn't mind me taking photos which is always a plus.  I found all the birdbaths and statues interesting.

St. Augustine, FL

One of my favorite cities just because it is old and has history and a uniqueness about it.  It is a quaint city and fun to visit every so often plus it's next to the sea!

"St. Augustine"  16" x 12" acrylic on canvas

Santa Fe, NM

A courtyard experience in the downtown area of Santa Fe.  This courtyard was surrounded by old adobe buildings with the mountains in the distance.  Very earthy, very scenic

"The Courtyard"  16" x 20" acrylic on canvas

Of all the pictures that I paint, I enjoy painting people the most.
We were created wonderfully and have the ability to be very expressive with our body language and our postures.  The human experience...everything from the highest highs to the lowest lows, from incredible joys to the deepest sorrows.

We relate to strangers and to our dearest loved ones....
we understand, we have experienced life too

                I want to paint everyday life

The humor of it....the joy of it....the sadness of it....the adventures....the daily grind....all of it

This painting and the next few to follow, we're painted from observing everyday people and their response to art at an art festival or at the downtown farmer's market.                                  "Three Hats"  14" x 11" acrylic of course

A young artist and her creations....oh the need to create

We all experience that need whether it gets expressed in writing, or painting, or drawing, or sewing, or cooking, or building a structure, or woodworking, etc.  However it comes out, it is a basic need that each of us have.

I enjoyed her figure at the entrance to her tent.  It just drew me like a magnet.

"Come one, come all"  14" x 11" acylic on canvas

"Incognito"  11" x 14" acrylic on canvas

A mystery woman!  She could have been a movie star just visiting the area.  Who would ever know?

We are all a little incognito at times, moving through life, but hiding our true selves.

"In Queue"  14" x 14" acrylic on canvas

I'm not sure that anyone is interested in buying paintings of people....but, I just can't resist painting them!  There is something humorous to me about this painting.  The weaving line of people viewing the artwork, and keeping in a well formed singlefile line or the paintings of the dogs viewing the people marching by....don't know quite what gives me a giggle, but it does

"At the Hipp"  14" x 14"  acrylic on canvas

A gathering of women in front of the Hippodrome Theatre in Gainesville, FL.  Young women with their children, older women with friends and just stuck in this space in front of the theatre.  Not characters in the greater play of life.

                                              "Harry's"  16" x 20"  acrylic on canvas

"Lost"  12" x 12"  again acrylic on canvas!

These two young women in their gothe clothes and
just looking lost....

"Conversation"  12" x 12" acrylic

"Window Shopping" 16" x 12" acrylic on canvas

What's she looking for, an artpiece, a craft item, jewelry, or a person or friends....she's window shopping


"Bargain Hunting"  12" x 16"  acrylic on canvas

Two shoppers on a warm day, looking for a bargain at a hugh yard sale in Phoenix, AZ.

                                                  "Sparrow"  14" x 14" acrylic on canvas

Each one of us has moments in time where without intention, we connect with another human being and for a brief moment there is this connection of knowing, and then it is gone.

While visiting our youngest daughter, my husband and I were driving through downtown Albuquerque, he was driving, and I was staring at everything and everyone and my eyes connected with this homeless man sitting on a bench in front of a busy theatre...and for a long moment...we just connected.  He burned an image in my mind...I briefly knew him....I had to paint him

As I was painting him, his image changed and he doesn't look anything like the man that I saw, but this is how the painting turned itself out.  Forgive me for a moment as I explain how the title came to be...

There is a scripture in the Bible that God's eye is on the sparrow, not one sparrow drops to the ground without God knowing.  I am employed at the county courthouse here in Gainesville, and the grassy area in the front of the courthouse is home to a small number of homeless people, and a large number of sparrows who live in the shrubs and trees also in front of the courthouse.  In my mind, the homeless individuals remind me of sparrows, not one of them is a stranger to God, and He cares for each one whether they know or care that He does.  God's eye is on the sparrow.

The people who were gathered and lined up to enter the theatre in Albuquerque where oblivous concerning him, but I wasn't, he left a strong image in my mind.  I could not name the painting anything other than "sparrow".  I also painting his clothing in browns and draping down flowing like a tail and his hat like a beak.

People are precious

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Visual Gallery of Paintings from 2010 through 2011

It's that time again.  The year of 2011 is coming to a close.  Time to regroup, and re-access .... time to push forward, learn and press on in every area of my life, including art.

Below is a gallery of various paintings from before 2010 and through 2011.  Hope you enjoy

Like most people, I love the ocean.  Frankly, I just
love water!  I've painted images from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, waterfalls, and springs.  Any image of water will do.

Some of the following pictures are of the Atlantic Ocean seen here in Florida at St. Augustine Beach, and some from the beaches in California just above the city of Santa Barbara.

"Pink sky over the Sea"  8" x 10" acrylic on canvas board

The Southern most point in Florida at Key West, Florida

The colors of the ocean are incredible who can duplicate them?

"Ode to Milton Avery"  10" x 8" canvas on board

In the past, I was never fond of Milton Avery's paintings; however, I was with a friend at the Harn Art Museum here in Gainesville, Fl., and I was blown away with the two paintings  housed at the museum.  His colors were so subtle with just the object of interest being highlighted...I was really impressed. 
Hence, this painting....


Another painting of the Atlantic Ocean at the beaches of Saint Augustine, FL

"Crashing Surf"  8" x 10" acrylic on canvas board

"Untitled Oceanscape I"  8" x 10"  acrylic on         canvas board

 "Come On In, the Water's Great" 8" x 10"

 acrylic on canvas board


"Manmade Debris" 8" x 10" acrylic on canvas board

Pacific Ocean, California

"Good Day for a Walk" 8" x 10" acrylic on canvas board

Clifts along the sea...

"Untitled Oceanscape II" 8" x 10" acrylic on canvas board
 I was born in Long Beach, California

There is just something about the ocean and the clifts that make me homesick; even though, it has been many, many years since I lived in California. 

The title of this painting is "Coming Home" 10" x 8" acrylic on canvas board

This small painting was juried into an exhibition at the Thomas Center

 The painting above was painted from material of the San Diego beaches

This is much further North along the ocean, above Santa Barbara and near Morro Bay

The water is too rough and too cold to swim in

"When Ocean meets Mountains I"

11" x 14" acylic on canvas

Same scene as above only more detail

I do like painting the sea

"When Ocean meets the Mountains II"

12" x 16" acrylic on canvas

"Untitled Flowers from Our Backyard"

9" x 12" acrylic on canvas

We have two hibiscus plants in our backyard, and they have been blooming their little hearts out.

They are a delight to the eyes!

Perhaps about 2 years ago, I took a workshop with Jane Slivka.  It was a five day workshop titled figurative in the landscape.  We painted a still life from a photo for our first project.ed figurative in the landscape.  We painted a still life from a photo for our first project.
"Untitled Still Life I" 20" x 16" acrylic on canvas                                                         

                                                                                                     The day has become evening, and my
                                                                                                     time is slipping away...there is always

Angel Talk

The little angel figurines are having a lively discussion ....  however, they won't say what they are talking about!

Everytime I draw near, they get very quiet.  I guess it's on a need to know basis.

I was going to paint them in a straight line, but they had other plans....

I just may try and get them to cooperate and paint them again...if I can find the time.

The month of December goes so quickly, so much to do, so much to try and accomplish......

it is hard to fit a canvas and a few angels into the mix.

"Angel Talk"   6" x 6" acrylic on canvas

Hope that you are doing better with time management than I am. 

Have a very blessed and
wonderful Christmas....and may this coming year be a better year for all of us!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Oh, what fun it is....

T'is the season to decorate the halls

I enjoy decorating for Christmas.  Got out my three boxes with most of my decorations in them, started dusting the shelfs, and putting the items up to display.  We have three bookshelves as we love books, and it doesn't look like that is going to change in the near future.  Not only are the bookshelves for housing the books, but I also like to place small paintings and pottery on the shelves.  I'm a very visual person, and I enjoy design and pattern and color.  So, I was taking items out of the boxes, I don't I create a painting of a few of my Christmas items.

 Some things just never grow old. 

My sister-in-law brought this for me one Christmas season a long time ago.  And I just really enjoy this little snowman.  He's only out of the box for a few short weeks, but he is a welcome guest at Christmas time.

He was fun to paint!  A challenge, but fun!

I find that I gravitate towards folk art when it comes to decorating our house.  I tend to be drawn to the handmade or at least it looks handmade.  I like things that are not perfect, and things that have some whimsy to them. 

 I couldn't tell you where I got this little horn.  I also have a larger one. 

It's shiny and brassy and doesn't blow a single note of music, but it has become one of the standards in our Christmas decorating.  Probably because I love Christmas carols, and of course, you have to have something that reflects the music of Christmas. 

You would think that this would be easy to paint.  Not so much...

I don't think that it is as interesting as snowman, but it has it's place of honor.

I am not an angel collector, but I do have four from the Willow collection.  I believe that is what it is called.  I like the hand carved, simple design of the figures.  And I like those wire wings, go figure?

Last year, I was getting ready for work, putting on my coat and I slung my scarf around my neck and it caught one of the angels on the shelf, it went flying across the room.  Who says angels can't fly?  Ended up decapating the poor little figure, but some glue and a clamp and she was as good as ever.  She just has a scar at the base of her neck.  She has history!

Those four little angels are always part of the decorating. 

Hope that you enjoy your preparation time for the always makes the house feel cheery and warm.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Season's Greetings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May you truly enjoy this beautiful time of year

The season of hope, faith, and promise