Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sedona, Arizona

Almost two years ago, my husband and I flew to Phoenix to visit close friends and our youngest daughter who then lived in New Mexico.  While driving back from Albuquerque to Phoenix, we took a detour off the highway and visited Sedona.  What a beautiful and scenic area of Arizona!  I took lots of pictures, and we stopped and climbed a bit.  In the future when we return to visit our friends, we definitely want to revisit Sedona and spend more time enjoying the beauty.  There was so much more to see and experience than a few hours would allow.

Below....are two recent paintings from the images taken at Sedona

 Perched above on the top of beautiful red rocks is Chapel of the Holy Cross.  There is a narrow paved road that climbs the canyon and stops at small parking lot, then you continue to walk up the sloped pathway to the church.  What a view looking out over part of Sedona and the canyons.  Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

Usually, my photographs are nothing to rave about, but how could I mess this one up!  I was so surprised that my picture turned out so well!

As the scene was a big open expanse of red rocks and canyons views; therefore, it required a larger painting then I normally paint.

"Chapel of the Holy Cross - Sedona"  30" x 22"  acrylic

While just driving through Sedona and delighting at the gorgeous views on everyside of the road, I was taking pictures of everything I could see.  I was very impressed with all of the rock formations.  This is just one that I captured as we were driving along.

Hope that you enjoy!

"Looks Like a Lion"  11" x 14"  acrylic

Truly enjoyed painting I'll have to look at the rest of my photos for future paintings.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Onward and Upward

My husband & I  visited Ginny Springs, FL a few weeks ago.  It was a beautiful day to visit a spring.  There was a slight breeze in the air, gorgeous scenery in every direction.  Great day to be outdoors.  Below are just a couple of photos from the springs.

I took too many photos of the spring....I just love the incredible colors of the water.  There are so many possibilites and ideas to explore for creating lots of paintings.  The springs yield themselves to be enjoyed in many different levels.  Divers exploring the depths of the underwater caves, swimmers enjoying the coolness of the pure water, kayaks darting here and there, lots of people intertubing down the river and visiting the various springs along the way, campers, children playing, and people like us shooting pictures and talking with folks....very enjoyable!

Currently I have two paintings are in progress; one from research material taken at Ginny Springs and the other from Rum Island Springs.  It's slow going....

As of September 30th, my solo exhibition at Books, Inc. has come to a close, but I am working on paintings for another show coming up in November.  I feel like I scheduled them back to back even though there is one month between the two.  I'm not sure that I will do this again!  Yikes!

Back to work

More abstracts.....

I'm quite fond of this small painting, again, it is only
6 x 6 inches. 

I think that I will title this:  Green Stripes

So many of my paintings are saturated with the color blue.  The greens and the orange-reds were a pleasant challenge to paint.

"Abstract I, Rum Island"  20" x 16", acrylic
This painting is sold

North Central Florida is blessed with beautiful springs and rivers.  This scene is based on the trees along the Santa Fe River at Rum Island Park.