"SUMMER RELIEF" now showing at Books, Inc.
Throughout the month of September, I am having a solo exhibition of some of my paintings created throughout the past 12 months. I titled the show, "Summer Relief". The paintings depict scenes of summer activities. The show runs from September 1st through the 30th at Books, Inc., 505 NW 13th St., Gainesville, FL.
If you are local or live near by, I do hope that you take the opportunity to drop by the bookstore. If you are unable, I am posting the images of the paintings. I hope that you enjoy them.
The following are paintings of children:
"GRACE & TRUTH" 10" x 8"
Two little girls enjoying the headspring at Itchneetucknee River.
Sometimes you have this inner knowing that what you're painting is going to turn out to be a good painting. This is how I felt about this little one.
Grace is the beauty that God bestows on one of His own. It surrounds every part of our being and life, it covers us and sustains us through good times and bad. With the grace of God we can face the challenges of life. Truth is freedom. Simple and direct, truth is the beauty of honesty, truth is reflected in the visual world that only a creator could have orchestrated. If you are seeking the truth, it is found in the Bible.
Three young boys having a blast with an inflated whale at Blue Hole Springs Park. One of them with the whale in arm even jumped off a platform approximately 10 or 12 feet above the opening of the spring into the chilly waters. As soon as boy and whale hit the water, they parted ways. So much fun to watch the energy and enthusiasm of children playing in the cool waters of the springs. That water feels so wonderful on a hot, sunny day.
What a brave little lad, this fellow is! These rocks are at the base of a waterfall, and the current is moving along at a good pace. Last summer, my husband and I took a small trip up to North Carolina and visited the Cullasaja and Dry Falls located in Nantahala National Forest. I was surprised to see people scampering from rock to rock and jumping into the pools of water. How refreshing!
I can relate to this little guy. He's not quite sure if he wants to put that other foot into the water. I felt that way about showing my artwork...do I really want to take the risk? The outcome is uncertain. Just like this little boy, will the current overcome him, or will he be able to withstand and explore.
"BIG SHOES TO FILL" 12" x 9"
The reference for this painting is also from the headspring at Itchneetuckknee River. This precious little girl was with her family visiting the springs from Miami. She was almost too adorable to paint.
The springs are so beautiful with gorgeous colors and limestone rocks. A camera and a painter just cannot do justice to the visual feast of colors represented to the eyes.
More paintings from Itchneetucknee River
Looking for small creatures and fish along and in the rocks....searching for treasure. When people come near, the fish dive and swim for cover; however, it doesn't take long and curiously takes over, and they are out and about swimming joyfully along the edges with the intruders of their domain. Itchneetucknee State Park is a treasure for the eyes and senses.
"FRIENDS" 11" X 14"
Young people enjoying the cool water, warm sun and each other.
12" x 12"
During the summer months the river is loaded with innertubers. You can hear the laughter and splashing and horsing around all the way down the river. Wildlife gets quiet, not a bird is heard over the chatter of humans. It is a delightful and leisurely journey down the river enjoyed by many.
Kayaks and canoes are not welcomed during the summer months. If you are looking to enjoy a quiet, restful run down the river, come before Memorial Day or after Labor Day.

"SUMMER BLISS" 12" x 9"
The reference for this painting was done before Memorial Day.
A small group of men enjoying the river before the hoards of children and young adults take the river over.
Close by is the Santa Fe River which has kayakers and canoers running the river year round. All of the springs depicted in these paintings are located just off the Santa Fe.
North Carolina
"DOWN BY THE RIVER" 16" x 16"
I was drawn to this group of people sitting among the rocks along the river...listening to the sound of the waterfall and enjoying the beauty of their surroundings. For some reason, it seemed a solemn occasion to me. Like a small flock of believers gathered together. This painting has a spiritual meaning for me.
"FAMILY" 18" x 18"
I just enjoyed painting the various individuals, the relationships or nonrelationships with each other. People, to me, are so interesting to paint. I guess you could make a story about each person in the painting.
"DISCONNECTED" 16" x 22"
None of these people were in relationship with each other. So much like life, we are each one of us so busy in our own little world...not even noticing each other or the beauty around us, but just doing our own thing. We miss out alot on what could be.
"GOD IS AWESOME" 11" x 18"
I love God's creation...it is just beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!!
Here is a thoughtful scripture to close with....
"Be still, and know that I am God"
Psalms 46:10
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